Sometimes it happens that everything we have is not enough to make us happy.
Even if we’re fine there’s always deep down something pushing us to go beyond and see what’s beneath the horizon…
Go towards who’s waiting for us beyond what the eye can see…
Not knowing what could happen or who we might find, the important thing is to leave everything that choke us and keeps us from seeking hope in the unknown…
Clouds bring rain floating by the wind, they don’t choose their path, same as us, we have objectives have expectations and then? There’s always obstacles making it…
02 – I won’t return
If you look in the sky, searching for the moon
tonight you’ll find, just heavy clouds
they are bringers of rain, but not at this time
they have gone in a desert far away.
I would like to see, fall down the rain
Don’t try to stop me now I’m going away
I will follow them – I won’t return
Don’t look for me, don’t look anymore
I don’t know what I’ll find, but I know what I left
Escape from this kind of life and dip in mystery
If you are scanning the horizon, searching for my face
Tonight you’ll see, just the trail of my shadow
I’ve followed the rain, I’m riding the wind
I’ve wandered the lands, there’s no reason for this
Clouds fill another sky, again one more time
Don’t try to stop them now, they are going away
If you’re looking in the sky, searching for the moon
Tonight you’ll find, just heavy clouds
They are bringers of rain, but not at this time
They have gone in a desert far away.
If you are scanning the horizon, searching for my face
Tonight you’ll see, the trail of my shadow
Follow the rain, I’ll follow the rain
I’m Running away – again
I will follow them – I won’t return
Don’t look for me, don’t look anymore
I don’t know what I’ll find, But I know what I left
Escape from this kind of life …and
dip in mystery, dip in mystery
in mystery, in mystery
I will follow them – I won’t return
Don’t look for me, I don’t look anymore
I don’t know what I’ll find, but I know what I left
Escape from this kind of life …
I will follow them – I won’t return
I’m running away, I’m running away….
Alle volte può capitare che tutto quello che abbiamo attorno a noi non sia sufficiente a farci sentire realizzati e felici.
Anche se stiamo bene abbiamo sempre in fondo in fondo nell’animo un qualcosa che vorrebbe spingerci oltre e vedere cosa si cela oltre l’orizzonte…
Andare incontro a chi ci sta aspettando da sempre oltre a dove l’occhio vede…
Non si sa cosa potrebbe accadere o chi potremmo incontrare, l’importante è andare via da tutto ciò che ci soffoca e ci costringe a cercare speranza nell’ignoto…
Le nubi portano pioggia sospinte dal vento… non sono loro a decidere il loro percorso… esattamente come noi… ci poniamo degli obbiettivi e delle aspettative, ma poi? C’è sempre un qualcosa che ci ostacola e che ci rende impossibile raggiungere il nostro desiderio…
Sono questi i momenti in cui vorremmo andare via, non importa dove, se soli o con qualcuno… magari basta seguire le nuvole nel cielo e avere la certezza di non tornare …