01 - Money

Try and picture what would happen to your life if one day you’d wake up incredibly rich.
6 numbers to overturn everything you think of your life…
Parents, friends, your job..nothing will be the same again.. nothing
Not even you…
01 – Crazy for money –
If this is a dream I don’t wanna get up
6 magic numbers, I can’t believe I’m the chosen one
Golden mountains are waiting for me
Million dollars are growing in my hands
Some hundreds cars will run for me
I’ll be the wish of all women you know
While golden rain covers up everything
I will become a fucking immortal man!
But something strange comes across in my mind
Now I’m afraid, what will happen to me?
Now I must run away from all of you!
Money, the fate chose me for
Money, I can buy happiness
Money, I’ll buy you too with my …
Money, the Devil chose me for
Money, I became slave of my
Money, I wanna run away from my…
I can’t believe how many people I know
Everyone desires something from me
You call me friend, but I don’t know who you are
You call me brother, but I’ve never seen your face
If this is a dream now I wanna wake up
6 wicked numbers, I can’t believe I’m the damned one!
Golden mountains now tumbling over me
Dollars flow out of my pockets choking me
How can I hide myself from you?
How can I hide my money too?
…. immaginate per un solo istante cosa potrebbe accadere alla vostra vita se un giorno vi svegliaste improvvisamente ricchi…
6 numeri alla lotteria che stravolgono tutto quello che avete di certo nella vostra esistenza…
Parenti, amici, lavoro… nulla sarebbe più come prima… nulla..
… Nemmeno voi …