What if tomorrow you wouldn’t be here anymore, would you be ready for that? Would you say you achieved all you ever wanted? Would you be ready for the great beyond?
How would you explain to destiny that it’s not your turn? How would you keep yourself into this side and not being taken to the realms of death? What would you say to people seeing you gone, that you’re still there with them? If.. you’re actually there
06 – Ghost
I don’t know how to break the sky
I don’t know how to hit the ground
Too much things can’t stay undone
I don’t wanna leave this life
The shadowy dressed calls my name,
Leaves my body on the ground,
Brings my soul to the other side,
But there’s no reason to take this way
I’m too young, I’ve no fault
many people fit more than me
I don’t follow my destiny
I’ve to stay again in this world
Now I’ve no body, I have no soul
You can’t see me but I’m here!
I scream your name but it’s not possible
I’m invisible to the mortal men
I don’t know how to break the sky
I don’t know how to hit the ground
Too much things can’t stay undone
I don’t wanna leave this life
I don’t know how to burn in fire
I don’t know how to see the light
I have seen into the other side
But I’ve come back to this world
Too many people around the coffin
I can see who cries for me
I can see who smiles for this
I can’t believe this is my funeral!
I can’t realize how this could be true
It seems a dream but not for me
I can pass through any kind of walls
But I can’t escape from this prison
I see you, I hear you, but I can’t touch you
I walk, I fly, I can pass through the walls
I fell, I cry, I can’t tell this to you
Se domani voi ci foste più sareste pronti? Avete fatto nella vostra vita tutto quello che avreste voluto fare? Sareste pronti per l’aldilà?
Come riuscireste a spiegare al destino che non tocca ancora a voi? Come fareste a restare ancora da “questo lato dell’essere terreno” e non farvi portare oltre il confine della morte? Come direste a quelli che vi vedono morti che ci siete ancora?…. ammesso che ci siate ancora….